Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pictures from Haj Kheder - Part Three

A view from Haj Kheder (A herd of sheep in the background)

A View from the Village

The old Subterranean of Haj Kheder (Kariz)

Ancient Architecture in Haj Kheder

Friday, November 13, 2009

Haj Kheder Farmers Harvested their Wheats

The hardworking farmers of Haj Kheder after enduring a lot of hardships harvested their wheats in mid August. But this is tot the end of the work but there is a long way to go to achieve pure wheat.

When the wheats are ripe , the farmers cut them with a tool called "Dasila" (sickle) then took the wheats to the "kharmengah" (stack) and wait for a windy day. When the day comes, the farmers go to the Kharmenga and throw the wheats in the way of the wind (heap the wheats up) by a tool called "Yashen" to separate the wheats from the straw.